To install Android x86 Kitkat download one. Android x86 Kitkat builds that you can download and install on your computer for free are listed below:
- Android-x86 4.4 RC1
- Android-x86 4.4 RC2
- Android-x86 4.4-R1
- Android-x86 4.4-R2
- Android-x 86 4.4-R3
- Android-x86 4.4-R4
- Android-x86 4.4-R5
You can install Android x86 Kitkat as full OS using guide how to install Android on PC. You can also try using Android Kitkat in the emulator and choose whether you want to install it as a full-featured OS or install another version.
If you have some troubles with installing Android Kitkat – write it in the comments and I’ll help you!