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Android Oreo update (Android 8)

What do we know about the new Android 8 Oreo update?

  1. Sweet name of Android 8 – Android Oreo
  2. The first phones on Android 8 – Pixel 2
  3. Google Android Oreo 8 has a higher operation speed than it’s predecessors
  4. More reliable security system of Android o version
  5. Improved artificial intelligence for a larger range of devices — Google Assistant
  6. VR development
  7. Optimization of classic Android apps
  8. Wider color gamut
  9. Google adds Bluetooth Codec – that improves the quality of audio

After the presentation of Android 8 Oreo, we’ve got the new facts about such a long awaited update of Android 8.

For example:

  • Adaptive icons. Google added one of Android Oreo 8 features that will allow the developers to use various application icons depending on the manufacturer’s preferences (various forms and dynamics). Moreover, it is argued that users will be able to choose a dynamic or a static icon.
  • Improved keyboard navigation. The developers claim that users generally use the handset, so we are expecting to get a better keyboard. We still don’t know, what exactly will change, so we are waiting for the official release.
  • Kotlin Support. During the presentation of Android O 8.0, the developers very warmly welcomed the news about the introduction of the Kotlin support, which is more neat and safe compared to the Java programming language.
  • Kotlin support will be automatically supported in Android Studio version 3.0 using the automated assembly system Gradle, which will introduce new functionality in another language to an existing application without rewriting the application.

The Android Oreo 8 update download list is here:

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